Attack common weed and insect problems at their source. Improve herbicide tolerance and insect protection while growing your yield results.

Better Tolerance and Yield Results

RiceTec is committed to your success in the field by addressing the largest issues every farmer faces — increasing yields, weed control, and water conservation.

RiceTec revolutionizes rice cultivation to enhance income, conserve water, reduce greenhouse gasses, and to safeguard the environment for future generations. Our solutions are specifically designed for direct-seeded rice, bringing together the power of genetics, seed treatments, unique herbicide tolerance traits, and more.

Our engineering and “on the ground”, local specialists are ready to help you achieve your cultivation objectives. Control your weedy, red, and feral rice along with barnyardgrass, coffeeweed, sedges, and more with RiceTec.

The FullPage® Rice Cropping Solution and Preface and Postscript herbicides, and SQUAD® seed treatment technologies were released by RiceTec and ADAMA in 2019. FullPage® represents a new generation of improved IMI herbicide tolerance for rice seed, improving yields, herbicide tolerance and early-season disease and insect protection.

FullPage® hybrids show a marked improvement in tolerance to IMI herbicides. This improved tolerance reduces the risk of crop response during stressful growing conditions and in overlap situations, and increases overall yield. This reduces stress for the grower and improves application, timing and flooding flexibility.

The FullPage® Cropping Solution includes the use of Preface™ (imazethapyr) and Postscript™ (imazamox) herbicides. Preface tackles troublesome rice weeds such as red, weedy and feral rice and barnyard grass.  It combines post-emergence and residual activity. Postscript can be applied post-emergence or post-flood for any escapes.

The four FullPage® products available for the 2023 planting season and protected by SQUAD include: RT7321 FP, RT7421 FP, RT7521 FP, and RT7523 FP.

The SQUAD seed treatment system highlights a special treatment technology that creates a smooth surface that allows for better seed identification, improved flowability and planting, and more uniform seed distribution throughout the field, along with proven fungicide and insecticide treatments.

RiceTec and ADAMA provide this total-package weed management system that is fully supported by a team of technical service representatives to make a positive impact on today’s farmers. These representatives are readily available to assist growers in adjusting to this new cropping solution and advising on best practices for use of Preface and Postscript for each farm.

RT7321 FP
  • High yield potential
  • Early maturity
  • RiceTec superior disease package

RT7321 FP should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention.

RT7421 FP
  • Cycle flexibility
  • High yield potential
  • Strong vegetative development
  • Low chalk
  • RiceTec superior disease package

RT7421 FP should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention.

RT7521 FP
  • 114 days maturity
  • High yield potential
  • RiceTec superior disease package
  • Improved grain retention

RT7521 FP should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention.

RT7523 FP
  • 114 days maturity
  • High yield potential
  • RiceTec superior disease package
  • Cycle flexibility
  • Low chalk

RT7523 FP should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention.

The Max-Ace® Cropping Solution with Highcard™ gives rice growers an excellent tool for weed control and high yield. Max-Ace with Highcard is now available for the 2023 growing season. The two primary Max-Ace products being released are RTv7231 MA and RT7331 MA.

The Max-Ace technology takes advantage of a unique, non-GMO trait that gives the rice enhanced tolerance to the Highcard herbicide. Highcard features a proprietary safener which grants enhanced tolerance to Max-Ace rice while providing excellent postemergence control of a broad spectrum of difficult-to-control grass weeds, including red and weedy rice and IMI-resistant weeds.

Applying ADAMA’s HighCard™ herbicide provides weed control of:

  • Signalgrass
  • Barnyardgrass
  • Sprangletop
  • Weedy/Red/Feral Rice


RTv7321 MA
  • Early maturity (109 days)
  • High yield variety potential
  • Smooth
  • Blast resistance
  • Very susceptible to sheath rot

RTv7231 MA should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention. This variety has the potential to sprout under high moisture conditions.  

RT7331 MA
  • Early maturity (111 days)
  • High yield hybrid potential
  • Above average ratoon potential
  • Blast resistance
  • Moderately resistant to bacterial panicle blight, sheath rot, and narrow leaf brown spot

RT7331 MA should be harvested at 18%-20% moisture at first drydown to help maximize grain quality and grain retention.

Innovative Stewardship Practices

FullPage® Rice Cropping Solution Stewardship Practices

The RiceTec FULLPAGE Rice Cropping System Solution is a non-GMO herbicide tolerance technology developed through traditional breeding techniques. As such, this technology is only useful as long as it is used appropriately and as suggested under the Stewardship Best Management Practices. Since cultivated rice and weedy rice are genetically similar and compatible, any rice trait technology has the opportunity to be transfer weedy to weedy rice in the event that weedy rice goes uncontrolled.

Therefore, the following stewardship guidelines have been established to help you, the rice farmer, manage this technology so you have the opportunity to take advantage of its benefits for many years to come.

1. Practice sound rotation practices. Crop rotation is one of the most important things you can do to mitigate the development of herbicide-resistant weeds on your farm. Crop rotation provides the opportunity to use different tillage and herbicide modes of action, which can slow the development of resistance. Do not plant FULLPAGE Rice in consecutive years in the same field.

2. Start early. Research shows that weed competition during the first 1 to 3 weeks of the growing season can have a negative impact on yield. We recommend a preemergence, or delayed preemergence, application of a residual herbicide, such as clomazone, pendimethalin or quinclorac, to slow any weed growth during the critical early stages of growth.

3. Preface™, Postscript™ and Fullscript™ are the only approved formulations of imazethapyr, imazamox and imazamox+quinclorac that may be used with FULLPAGE rice seed. The use of any other formulations of imazethapyr, imazamox or premixes containing these two active ingredients is strictly prohibited.

4. Make a minimum two applications of FULLPAGE Rice Cropping Solution herbicides prior to 2-tiller stage. Research has shown that two applications is more effective than a single application at high rates for grass and weedy rice control. Two applications maximize coverage of the weeds and optimizes the longevity of the technology. The first application should take place before planting, at planting or up to 3 weeks after emergence. The second application should follow 12 to 20 days later for optimum control. We recommend Preface™ be utilized for the first application and Preface™ or Postscript™ be used for the second application. If a third, or salvage application is needed, apply Postscript™ prior to the panicle initiation (1/2” internode elongation) stage of growth. Applications of Preface™ or Postscript™ beyond the panicle initiation stage of growth may lead to yield loss. A sequential Postcript™ program is allowed, but including pendimethalin with the first application is highly recommended to prevent subsequent flushes of red and/or weedy rice.

5. 100% control is the goal. In order to maintain its value and the value of other herbicide tolerance technologies, your goal should always be 100% control of weedy rice to avoid loss of the technology on your farm. Therefore, all considerations should be made to keep weedy rice from flowering and going to seed in your field. Make plans to rogue any weedy rice escapes before heading.

6. Mix things up. Many herbicides in rice are classified as ALS inhibitors. These include herbicides such as Permit™1, Grasp™2 and Regiment™3. Included in this group are Preface™ ,Postscript™ and Fullscript™ herbicides. Therefore, we recommend including other herbicides with different modes of action in the tank in order to avoid the development of weed resistance. Herbicides like quinclorac, propanil, bentazon and carfentrazone are herbicides with different modes of action that can prolong the development of weed resistance when tank mixed with Preface™ or Postscipt™.

7. Moisture is the key. In order for most herbicides to be effective, plants need to be actively growing. Dry conditions following Preface™ applications and prior to Postscript™ and Fullscript™ applications can lead to poor weed control. Therefore, make sure that weeds are actively growing at the time of application, and in the case of Preface™ herbicide plan applications prior to a flush or rainfall for proper incorporation into the soil. Remember, Preface™ herbicide has a residual soil component that requires activation by moisture within 2 days of application.

8. Preface™ before rain, Postscript™ and Fullscript™ after. Preface™ herbicide has both foliar and residual soil activity, which requires activation through soil moisture. Therefore, if your field conditions dictate a flush or rainfall is pending, apply Preface™ prior to receiving moisture. Postscript™ and Fullscript™ herbicide is a foliar herbicide, which does not require soil activation; however, performance is maximized under moist or flooded conditions. Do not apply Postscript™ to drought-stressed plants.

9. Do not save seed. The FULLPAGE Rice Cropping Solution hybrids are protected by several patents or patents pending and saving of seed for anything other than grain is prohibited.

MAX-ACE® Rice Cropping Solution Stewardship Practices

The RiceTec MAX-ACE® Rice Cropping System Solution is a non-GMO herbicide tolerance technology developed through traditional breeding techniques. As such, this technology is only useful as long as it is used appropriately and as suggested under the Stewardship Best Management Practices. Since cultivated rice and weedy rice are genetically similar and compatible, any rice trait technology has the opportunity to be transferred to weedy rice in the event that weedy rice goes uncontrolled.

Therefore, the following stewardship guidelines have been established to help you, the rice farmer, manage this technology so you have the opportunity to take advantage of its benefits for many years to come.

1. Practice sound rotation practices. Crop rotation is one of the most important things you can do to mitigate the development of herbicide-resistant weeds on your farm. Crop rotation provides the opportunity to use different tillage and herbicide modes of action, which can slow the development of resistance. Do not plant MAX-ACE Rice in consecutive years in the same field.

2. Start early, Start clean. Research shows that weed competition during the first 1 to 3 weeks of the growing season can have a negative impact on yield. We recommend burndown/tillage prior to seeding rice. Utilize a non-ACCase mode of action as a burndown herbicide. A preemergence, or delayed preemergence, application of a residual herbicide, such as Vopak 3ME (clomazone), pendimethalin or Zurax L (quinclorac), to slow any weed growth during the critical early stages of

3. Highcard™ is the only approved formulation of quizalofop and proprietary safener that may be used with MAX-ACE rice seed. The use of any other formulations of quizalofop and proprietary safener or premixes containing these two active ingredients is strictly prohibited, patents are pending.

4. Make two applications of MAX-ACE Rice Cropping Solution herbicide prior to 2-tiller stage. Research has shown that a sequential application program is necessary for optimum control of volunteer rice, red rice, grass and weedy rice control. Two applications maximize coverage of the weeds and optimizes the longevity of the technology. The first application should take place at 1-2 leaf of rice. The second application should follow 10 to 14 days later.  Actively scout fields to ensure proper application timing.

5. Water management. Flush within 2 days of first application and initiate permanent flood immediately after second Highcard herbicide application to prevent grass germination.

6. 100% control is the goal. In order to maintain its value and the value of other herbicide tolerance technologies, your goal should always be 100% control of weedy rice to avoid loss of the technology on your farm. Therefore, all considerations should be made to keep weedy rice from flowering and going to seed in your field. Make plans to rogue any weedy rice escapes before Practice equipment sanitation to prevent spread of seed from field to field. Sanitation requirements to be extended to field edges and ditches, preventing any weeds from going to seed by mechanical or alternative weed control methods.

7. Mix things up. We recommend including other herbicides with different modes of action in order to avoid the development of weed resistance. Herbicides like quinclorac, propanil, bentazon and carfentrazone are herbicides with different modes of action that can prolong the development of weed resistance when used alternatively with Highcard.

8. Moisture is the key. In order for most herbicides to be effective, plants need to be actively growing. Dry conditions following Highcard applications can lead to poor weed control. Therefore, make sure that weeds are actively growing at the time of application. Remember, Highcard herbicide has no soil residual component.

9. Highcard before rain. Highcard herbicide has foliar activity which does not require soil activation; however, performance is maximized under moist or flooded conditions. Do not apply to drought-stressed plants and allow for adequate time between application and any rainfall for proper performance of Highcard.

10. Do not save seed. The MAX-ACE® Rice Cropping Solution seeds are protected by several patents or patents pending and saving of seed for anything other than grain is prohibited.

SQUAD® Seed Treatment

RiceTec introduced its SQUAD® seed treatment line in 2024. With SQUAD, growers have multiple seed treatment options for a customized fit within their production systems.

The SQUAD product line has three seed treatment options:

SQUAD Pro — For growers in the Midsouth looking for a premium seed treatment in the bag, RiceTec has a limited supply of SQUAD Pro. The SQUAD Pro package offers broad-spectrum, early-season insect and disease protection combined with increased rice water weevil control and suppression of grape colaspis. While this product fits on all drill-seeded acres, it provides extra protection for pests associated with row rice.

SQUAD Gulf — For Gulf Coast rice farmers, SQUAD Gulf is customized for growers along the coast who deal primarily with rice water weevils and stem borers throughout the season. The SQUAD Gulf package has approval for use in both water-seeded and drill-seeded production systems.

SQUAD Delta — SQUAD Delta will be the most widely available package that fits most Midsouth production systems. SQUAD Delta has been a reliable seed treatment package for several years throughout the southern rice belt and has provided consistent early-season insect and disease protection for most drill-seeded rice acres.

All three SQUAD products will include a base package of gibberellic acid, zinc, and a combination of four fungicides.

A. SQUAD Delta —

  • Vibrance RST Fungicide package
  • Cruiser 5FS insecticide
  • Gibberellic acid
  • Zinc

B. SQUAD Gulf —

  • Vibrance RST Fungicide package
  • Dermacor X-100 insecticide
  • Gibberellic acid
  • Zinc

B. SQUAD Pro —

  • Vibrance RST Fungicide package
  • Cruiser 5FS Insecticide
  • Fortenza Insecticide
  • Gibberellic acid
  • Zinc

Make the Move to RiceTec

We are here to assist you with all your rice seed and solution needs, from start to finish. Reach out to RiceTec with your questions. We look forward to building a long-standing and sustainable relationship!

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